Città InfinitaThe Città Infinita is a construction game performance that uses industry residues to create and recreate urban places. The initiative took place in Milan and Barcelona.16 Nov 17
La Marató Charity Drive on TV3, BarcelonaQuadpack Foundation lent Technotraf's expertise to the Marató TV3 charity drive. The Catalan channel hosted its annual awareness-raising broadcast, focusing on strokes and spinal and brain cord injuries. A full day’s worth of programming was dedicated to explaining the conditions, in order to raise funds for research.16 Nov 17
Charity photocall for paediatric oncology researchThe Vall d'Hebron University Hospital is the largest hospital complex in Catalonia and one of the largest in Spain. It has a team of around 7,000 professionals and a budget of 579 million euros.16 Nov 17
Ghislanzoni Gal school of gymnasticsIn 1896, the "Union Ginnastica Antonio Ghislanzoni" was founded by a wide array of the socially interested as well as a number of sport enthusiasts.16 Nov 17
Can Déu reforestation projectWhen in 1964 Caixa d'Estalvis Sabadell purchased the Can Deu estate in Sabadell, the main objective was to maintain and make known the region's rich natural, historical, and cultural heritage.16 Nov 17